Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Time Of Supercroc


                   Supercroc was the biggest crocodile to walk on earth.40 feet long (12 meters) and 8 tons of mussels. Weighted as much as 17,000 pounds. The jaw was nearly six feet long (1.8 meters) alone. Supercroc had 132 teeth. No other crocodile can have that much teeth. Had around 250 bones with 65 vertebrae  in the spinal column and it's most fragile part of their body was the ear bone.

My Opinion

 The supercroc is one of the scariest animals alive at that time. I never knew that the supercroc can be that strong and so powerful. It's so powerful that even dinosaurs were even afraid of it, once the supercroc got close, he just had its first meal of the day. The supercroc reminded me of a series book that I read. About how powerful, strong,and scary it is. The monsters were the same height and weight, if not then more than the supercroc. I was surprised of how the monsters fought like supercroc

Top Ten Facts

1. Paul Sereno (scientist) covered 90 feet long of the supercroc
3. The size and shape of the teeth ate the biggest clue of it's eating
4.Will eat almost anything
5. Mostly hides in the water to hide its huge body from he's pray
6. An Article
7. It lived 110 million years ago
8.Longest bone is the femur
9.It's fossil was found at Sahara
10. The supercroc was found at africa


After reading this article have you asked yourself any questions? If so what are they? Is it how did the species start? Or how did it disappear ? Comment down below if you have any questions please. I would love to hear from you! Byeee!!!


  1. I loved how you described super croc,but how could he his bones be found all over the sahara desert if he died in one place.I also liked how you put where he lived and what he ate.I loved your article.

    1. and that is a good question. I'll get back to you on that if I find any information :)

  2. Great articales your facts were very informational!

  3. I really liked your opinoin section because of how you described it.
