Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Emperor Monster


Qin Shi Huang:

              Did you ever think their could be an emperor who can be so cruel,have a wicked mind, and obsessed with he's own death? Well met Qin Shi Huang the first emperor. Qin Shi Huang was in power at 260BC when he was just 13 years old! He accomplished a lot of achievements, but he wanted more... like importantly. He wasn't every ones favorite emperor because if he died he wanted to control the after life. Having dancers,singers, a government that works for him, a big man to entertain him, he wanted a lot of things. He would punish or send soldiers to kill the people who won't listen to him or tell people where he is sleeping to the people who want to kill him or misbehaved.


   I wouldn't want to live with him because he punished people or kill them or send he's army to kill the people who wouldn't listen to him or tell where he lived to the people who tried to kill him or if they misbehaved. Another reason is that he was obsessed with he's own death. He was a greedy and cruel man. He wanted more war. He had no respect. He didn't share money. Lastly he controlled people.

Top Ten Facts:

1. An army of 8,000 clay soldiers to accompany him in the after life.
2. Sculptures are over 22,000 years old
3. The clay soldiers were found by farmers
4. Each clay soldier is unique
5. The height and uniform also varies by rank
6. Over 650 clay horses were part of the army
7. Over 700,000 workers were employed for construction
8. Experts suggest that the emperor's tomb contains simulated rivers.
9. The farmers found the clay soldiers when they were digging for water.
10. Noone liked the emperor. They all wanted to kill him.


After reading this would you want to live or work for the emperor? Yes or no? Or maybe you haven't decided yet? Comment down below please. Well... I guess this is it. Bye!!


  1. I would hate working for Quin Shi Huang. He is so mean and he would make me work. :(
